Ernster Law Firm - South Texas Racial Harassment Lawsuit

South Texas Racial Harassment Lawsuit

The Texas Workforce Commission Civil Rights Division and the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) assist with enforcing laws that forbid employment discrimination based on race, including workplace racial harassment. Ethnic slurs, racial jokes, offensive or derogatory comments, or other verbal or physical conduct based on a person’s race constitute unlawful racial harassment if … Read more

Ernster Law Firm - Ethnic Slurs and Hostile Work Environment

Ethnic Slurs and Hostile Work Environment

The Texas Workforce Commission Civil Rights Division and the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission can receive and investigate charges or complaints racial and national origin harassment related to employment. Texas Labor Code Chapter 21 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protect individuals against employment discrimination and harassment. As explained by … Read more

Ernster Law Firm - Nooses and Racial Harassment Lawsuits

Nooses and Racial Harassment Lawsuits

The hangman’s noose place among complaints of employment-related racial harassment and hostile work environment is well established. As reporter Sana Siwolop wrote in a July 10, 2000 New York Times article. “[t]he hangman’s noose has long been one of the most frightening representations of racial harassment in America, a reminder that thousands of black people … Read more

Ernster Law Firm - Race and Color Harassment Federal Cases and Statistics

Race and Color Harassment Federal Cases and Statistics

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, including Title VII’s prohibitions against harassment based on race and color. Since 1964, the EEOC has filed, resolved and litigated a number of these types of employment discrimination and harassment cases. The EEOC remains determined to help eradicate racism and colorism … Read more

Ernster Law Firm - Hate Crime Hangmans Noose and Racially Hostile Work Environment

Hate Crime, Hangman’s Noose and Racially Hostile Work Environment

On December 26, 2013, the United States Department of Justice announced in a press release that a 27-year-old Katy, Texas man was charged with a federal hate crime related to a racially motivated violent attack and assault on a 79-year-old African-American man. During that same month, the Department of Justice announced resolution of a separate … Read more

Ernster Law Firm - Texas Oil Field Racial Harassment Lawsuit

Texas Oil Field Racial Harassment Lawsuit

Ethnic slurs, racial jokes, offensive or derogatory comments, or other verbal or physical conduct based on a person’s race constitute unlawful racial harassment if the work-related conduct creates an intimidating, hostile of offensive working environment, or interferes with the individual’s work performance. The Texas Workforce Commission Civil Rights Division and the United States Equal Employment … Read more

Ernster Law Firm - Offensive Graffiti and Racial Harassment Lawsuit

Offensive Graffiti and Racial Harassment Lawsuit

Employment-related racial harassment can occur in a variety of workplaces. According to a June 2013 press release by the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, offensive graffiti in a food distributor’s men’s room remained up for weeks and led to an employment discrimination lawsuit that ended last year with a judge entering a consent decree … Read more

Ernster Law Firm - Prohibited Workplace Racial Harassment

Prohibited Workplace Racial Harassment

The Texas Workforce Commission Civil Rights Division and the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission can receive and investigate charges or complaints racial harassment related to employment. Texas Labor Code Chapter 21 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protect individuals against employment discrimination and harassment based upon race.  As explained by … Read more

Ernster Law Firm - Unlawful Work-Related Racial Harassment

Unlawful Work-Related Racial Harassment

Texas Labor Code Chapter 21 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protect individuals against employment discrimination and harassment based upon race.  As explained by the Texas Workforce Commission in its website at , an employer may not discriminate against an employee or applicant in hiring, termination, promotion, compensation, job training … Read more